That number is sure to skyrocket further, considering the untold thousands of mods in existence for the original PC edition.

Most female armors have been designed with a body replacer in mind as well which makes installing one a particularly good idea. While the textures on the body replacers look dated, they are an important part of modding the game as the vast majority of skin mods need them to function properly. The mods on this list are both “body replacers” and skin mods for those replacers.

This list of Skyrim Body Mods lets your character look like they’re fit to be in a skincare advertisement. Skyrim doesn’t come with any moisturiser to apply on your character or any fancy lotions but there is nothing to fear. Unfortunately, it can be hard to look good with dry, cracked skin that looks like it was made from potato peels. Having good-looking armour and weapons really help you make your character stand out from the rest and make the game far more enjoyable to play. Looking good is an essential part of any RPG game.