The current drive will need to be removed. Use this link below to download the newest driver for that model toshiba.

Right click on the device and set it as defulat and also go to the options and ensure it is set properly for sound. I have a feeling you have an hp laptop, once you can see your external headphones(may just be listed as speakers, look under the name and it should say whether they are headphones or 2way speakers and so on).

Then your sound devices should all show up. Ensure show disabled devices and show disconnected devices are selected. Try right clicking in the playback devices window in an open space where it shows the different sound devices. We can try a driver update for your sound drivers to see if this fixes it just let me know what brand and model your pc is. The reason it shows the green jack there is because that sound hardware is wired directly with the right panel input jack, otherwise any devices plugged into it will be the default, and since it is controlling it is is not showing in the playback devices because it is linked with the conextant driver. Where are you plugging these into? Is this a laptop? (Sorry you said internal speakers).